The KCC Philosophy
Kirby Chan & Co. believes that investing in real estate brings security and financial freedom to your future. In the long run, real estate has a lot to offer because as real estate investments grow over time, so does wealth. Becoming rich or even just being stable is on everyone's list of goals in life. Kirby Chan & Co. sees investing in real estate as a way of creating wealth instead of working for it. This company maximises properties to get the most out of what is already owned. On top of being able to provide security for your family, properties can generate income from rents and profits to replace your regular income. Real estate investments provide more opportunity to make money. Whether it’s from houses that are flipped and rented or houses that appreciate in value, properties have different ways in creating profit. Because property values increase over time, real estate investments can be looked at as a form of a retirement plan. With what you have now, you may be able to buy a property in 10 years, your next property in the next 5 years, the next in 3 years and so on. By the time your retirement arrives, you would have already accomplished a portfolio of 10 homes. These homes can then be inherited by your children or their children in the future.
To make all of this happen, Kirby Chan & Co. believes that the best time to start investing is now. Starting early in this industry can make a big difference not only in your own future but in your family’s as well. Since people will always need a place to live, real estate provides opportunity for higher returns than with other investments.This is why investing in real estate is preferred over other forms of investments like stocks.
Kirby Chan & Co. envisions itself to be the most trusted and impactful real estate company in the world. With the mission to support the community in building multi-generational wealth by providing personalised real estate services, Kirby Chan & Co. builds their service and relationship around these values:
Collaboration - Strength in numbers through teams and teamwork
Integrity - Keeping and honouring our promises
Responsibility - Owning all of our actions and our results
Generosity - Being of service to our community with our time, money and energy"
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