Canada Greener Homes Grant

by Kirby Chan, Broker

Green Homes

When people mention green architecture or environment-friendly construction, we get the impression that it is something that we’ve only been doing in the 20th century when in fact it has been around for many years already. An example of a structure that made use of ecological architecture is the Angkor Wat, a Cambodian temple complex that reserves water, waters crops, heats and cools areas as needed. Built in the 12th century AD, Angkor Wat’s carbon footprint is considerably low as the materials used for its construction are locally-sourced and natural. With that being said, this approach to construction has been applied to regular residential homes since then.

A green home is classified as one that has been renovated and undergone modification to meet standards of being resource-efficient, cost-effective, and healthier. There is usually a verification needed for a house to be identified as a green home, one of which is done by a third party. Characteristics of a green home includes its location, size, design, materials, insulation, energy-efficiency, renewable energy, water efficiency, and indoor environmental quality. Nowadays, people are turning to greener alternatives as a means to alleviate the stress on our environment and maintain an eco-friendly way of living. 

The Greener Homes Grant

Canada has recently taken part in this movement towards sustainable practices by implementing the Canada Greener Home Initiative or the Canada Greener Homes Grant. This grant aims to inspire Canadians to live more sustainably in homes that are less harmful to the environment. The grant was launched in May of 2021 and provides up to $5,000 for homeowners to make alterations to their homes that will help make it more energy-efficient and able to fight climate change. Through the Greener Homes Grant, Canada’s goal of reaching net-zero emissions would hopefully be accomplished by the year 2050. Not only is the grant meant for sustainable living but as means of providing jobs and opportunities across the country as well. 

Benefits of Greener Homes Grant

The Greener House Grant gives you more than just a budget to cover the cost of retrofitting your home. Living in a green home affects your quality of living. From your stress levels, mental being, and overall health, green homes are known to improve your overall quality of life due to improved lighting sources, thermal conditions, upgraded quality of air, and such. Regular building materials are known to contain and release toxic fumes and carcinogens that are harmful to our physical health. 

Not only do green homes lessen your carbon footprint, it also helps increase water efficiency by installing water-efficient plumbing. This allows water to be recycled and provides alternative resources for water. 

Constructing green homes or green buildings in general allow for lower cost of maintenance. Initial build may require you to spend more for the construction but long-term expenses such as energy bills and water bills are significantly lower over time compared to traditional construction. 

Green homes are also known to stand stronger due to durability of sustainable materials. Building homes with green materials create buildings that last longer due to low maintenance and less exposure to harmful elements.

The Canada Greener Homes Grant will require you to follow a series of procedures and evaluation to be deemed eligible. To apply for the grant, you need to be the owner of the home, which needs to be your primary residence. Only one grant will be given per home so only one representative of your home can apply. There are many things that can qualify and disqualify you for the grant. The area in which you live in may also affect how much you will be given for retrofitting. 

Once you apply for the grant, your home will be inspected and evaluated to see what kind of updates will be recommended for you. An energy evaluation will be done to your home and the inspection will check different aspects of the house such as size, mechanical systems, windows, adoors, insulation, etc. An inspection report will be provided which will include information about the house, where the energy is going to in your house, where heat loss is, and the likes. A renovation upgrade report will also be done to see what specific changes are recommended for you to do to the house. Applicants from the Northern or Indigenous communities may receive additional rebates. 

The grant’s website has a list of approved retrofits/materials you can use as a guide when making changes to your home. You may get an inspection, only by a licensed contractor, which may cause you but it can be reimbursed later on once you receive the grant. 


Kirby Chan, Broker

Co-Founder & Broker | License ID: 9533841

+1(416) 305-8008

